Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Glam Goddess...*:*

Welcome to the world of GLAM; where one can share in the imagination of (World Class Beauty)  Fashion & Entertainment...

As we think of glamour in terms of  beautiful lingerie models, lets not for get how this all got started,  with sexy women. From the beginning of time, men have idolized beautiful women as a type of ( Goddess) with a sense of modesty and power.
   One of the longest lasting goddesses from the ancient world is known as (Inanna), who was revered in the Middle East for over (4,000 years). Inanna was believed to be the (Queen of the Sky) as well as love, fertility and war. The Matriarchy of this age might seem like a myth, ask yourself  the question, why are glamours women always camera ready? "Being is seeing in the human dimension" the new term for this millennium (Classic Royalty Modeling).

At this time marketing fashion models, for campaigns like, Chanel, GUCCI and
GIVENCHY, are considered the top standard for the Cat Walk...Magazines and designers control the industry from the stand point of "Media Constructed Reality" YOU CAN'T ALWAYS BELIEVE WHAT YOU SEE!

As people begin to share in a variance of emerging paradigms, the term "Glamour" flows deep in most viewers subconscious. Sexy, provocative and beautiful, stems from the stereotype an self-esteem that the media paints as inadequate for fashion markets. Glamour and fashion are as one, when it comes to the modeling industry. Just take a look at this link below and share your thoughts about who's in charge.

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